Love- I don't know why but I hear people say "I love you" more often than not and it makes me wonder if the 2 people involved are truely in love or if they even have a strong connection that they feel love for one another. People are passing out "I love you" comments like they are passing out condoms in West Hollywood! I am in love with someone and I love all my closest/bestest friends/family members although I don't tell them I love them everyday it's kind of understood that I love them (I hope). I don't tell any of my co-workers, lady behind the register @ le sex shoppe or people I see at the supermarket that I love them simply because I don't.
Long story short - When you say "I love you" MEAN IT! - Sweet Tits taught me to look someone in the eye when you say I love you - try it out! It gives you a different feeling than just saying it in passing :)
Stay classy & mean it when you say "I love you"
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