YIKES!!!! As I was running yesterday I decided to run with my shirt off to work on my tan (good luck M) so I had a good run did 5 miles up hill, stopped once (pats self on back) so I go to my car to relax & drink some much needed H2O. Once I am rested and cooled down and not as wet I put on my shirt. I guess I put my shirt on too fast or something because I hit my right nip and that sucker was sore for about 3 hours afterwards. I have always heard about chafed nipples but never knew what exactly caused that to happen. Below is a description:
Jogger's nipple is caused by friction from the repeated rubbing of a t-shirt or other upper body clothing against the nipples during a prolonged period of exercise.
The condition is suffered from mainly by runners. Long-distance runners are especially prone, because they are exposed to the friction on the nipple for the greatest period of time. However, it is not only suffered by sports people; the inside of a badge, or a logo on normal items of clothing can also cause the friction which results in this condition.
The condition is easily preventable. Viable methods include:
- Simply running shirtless whenever weather permits.
- Sticking a small bandage or surgical tape over each nipple before the commencement of exercise, to act as a barrier between skin and cloth.
- If the skin is already damaged, apply a pure lanolin product (e.g. Lansinoh) to the area prior to exercise to prevent chafing. If the skin is not damaged a barrier product (e.g. Vaseline). These products do not allow air to circulate around damaged skin so can prevent healing if used over a period of time.
- Using specialized products available to prevent the condition such as rash guards.
This condition should clear within a few days. If not seek medical advice. Other skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, impetigo, fungal infections or an allergic reaction can cause nipple pain and changes in the appearance of the skin. In women, hormonal changes in early pregnancy or during menstruation can also cause nipple soreness and pain.
Long story short you need to put bandaids on those puppies (nips) to keep them safe. Trust me IT HURTS!!!!
Stay classy & keep those nips intact!
p.s. This is not my nip Im not that hairy (or pink) :)

I have plenty of nip cream if you want some!